For Season 3, #impact Podcast Founder Regina Larko is thrilled to bring in Co-Hosts Amanda Williams and Belinda Esterhammer.

You will get to know Regina, Belinda and Amanda even better over the next few months, when they invite you to join them for intimate conversations with awe-inspiring female trailblazers. But here’s a little insight into what they are all about.

Regina Larko, Founder, Host and Producer of #impact Podcast

I am:
quirky, social, passionate
If I ever write a biography, this would be its title:
Journals of a Hopeless Optimist
Making an impact means:
To believe that every little contribution counts and to never lose sight of the big picture at the same time.
What could everyone do right now to make the world a better place?
Care more – about the people around you, the environment, the animals, and show them kindness.
Find out why and how Regina started this Podcast here.
This was the moment Regina fell in love with Podcasts.

Amanda Williams, Co-Host of #impact Podcast

I am:
Passionate, hopeful, open-minded

If I ever write a biography this would be its title: 

The Privileged Immigrant – Getting to know yourself and your country from afar.

Making an impact means:
Actively pursuing positive change, taking into account short- and long-term consequences on yourself, your community and the environment.
What could everyone do right now to make the world a better place?
Practice empathy and compassion – try to put yourself in other people’s shoes or see from their vantage point.

 Belinda Esterhammer, Co-Host of #impact Podcast

 I am: 
Curious, creative, honest

If I ever write a biography this would be its title: 

Life is too short to remove USB safely.

Making an impact means: 
Leaving a mark and changing things up.
What could everyone do right now to make the world a better place?
 Pick something that you care about and then start doing something NOW. It doesn’t matter how small the first step is but starting out is always the hardest thing.

Curious to hear their voices? Check out the Season 2 Finale with Regina and Amanda and our International Women’s Day Special with Belinda.