HAPPY 2017!

After a wonderful Christmas holiday with my family in Austria and Sweden, I arrived back in Hong Kong with lots of energy and excitement for 2017 and the upcoming launch of this Podcast.

But today is not about this Podcast.

Today is all about another show, a radio show that I grew up with and I am still very fond of.

Click HERE, and I will tell you why. 

As long as I can remember, I loved this Austrian radio show “Frühstück bei mir”

I always wanted to follow in the footsteps of Claudia Stöckl, the charming host of the show. But I got a bit tired of waiting around for her to retire. Joke aside, I am so happy she did not retire, and her show is celebrating 20 years on air this week.

“Frühstück bei mir” is on once a week and it was always part of Sunday breakfast in my childhood home in Vienna.

Living abroad, I was thrilled when I found out that the show was available as Podcast as well, and I could listen to her interviews on demand, whenever and wherever I wanted.

I can associate certain episodes of her show with moments in my life.

The episodes I listened to on my lunch breaks in Beijing, the episodes I heard just after moving to Hong Kong. Those episodes that kept me awake as a new and sleep deprived mum pushing the stroller and trying to get our baby girl to nap.

I was always intrigued by her interview skills and just by listening to her show, hopefully, will learn from her. Claudia somehow always manages to set an atmosphere for her guests to open up in front of the microphone and share personal stories about their lives and careers.

Another thing that always inspired me is her passion for her charity ZUKI (Zukunft für Kinder)

With ZUKI she supports street children in India, providing them with education, shelter and medical care. I hope she will come on as a guest on this show one day to share the impact of her work with ZUKI.

Congratulations to 20 years on air with “Frühstück bei mir”, Claudia. I am looking forward to the next 20.

#impact Podcast host

PS: Listen to Claudia Stöckl’s “Frühstück bei mir” (in German) here