For an extended audio version including best tricks from fellow Webby Awards-nominated Podcaster Jules Hannaford, who runs 2 shows with different formats (one interview style, one true crime) listen here.

Which Podcast Format should you choose?  Interview style? Educational Solo Show? Storytelling?

There are so many ways to tell your stories and engage with your audience. Today I will walk you through 4 questions to help you find the right format for your show. 

So Podcast Formats, let’s dive right in. 

Every Podcast Format has its benefits, and every format comes with its own production timeline and challenges as well. I go way deeper into this in my Podcasting Online Course where I also teach how to experiment with these formats for more listener engagement, but today I want to give you quick, actionable tips how you can find the format that fits you.

1) Think about what fits your personality: Are you great at teaching? Are you an expert in your field? Then an educational Podcast is a great choice. A Podcast where you teach your listeners in a solo show all your tips and tricks, like I am doing on my Podcast OFF THE RECORD.

2) The format should also fit your goals. What do you want to achieve with your show? Do you want to build and expand your network? Are you interested in building deep relationships with prospects or clients? Then an interview show, like my show #impact will be a great way to connect with people and get to know them in a way that you could otherwise not. You will be surprised about the depth of your conversations, getting your interviewees’ full, undivided attention as you hit record.

3) Consider your own editing skills, experience and budget: There is a lot more time and editing required for storytelling audio dramas like true crime Podcasts for example. Do you have the budget to outsource certain editing tasks and get others involved? Or are you running this Podcast on your own? 

4) Is this kind of format a good fit for your audience as well? What are they looking for? What will your ideal listener benefit from most?

You will want to stick to 1 format, either interview, solo/educational podcast or storytelling audio drama style show because….


Your listeners will start expecting certain elements in your show and they will come back to find these elements again in the next episode. 

That doesn’t mean there is no space for you to venture out in other styles in Bonus Episodes and get creative, or taking a seasonal approach, but the majority of your content has to stick to one formula

Here is the formula that worked really well for my shows:

If you want to start an interview show, let at least 80% of all episodes be interviews. You start an educational show? Make sure that 80% of all your episodes are well structured, easy to follow learning sessions for your listeners. With the additional 20%, you can offer Bonus Episodes to try out new things and see how they resonate with your listeners.

That’s it for today. I hope this was helpful.

Want more? Find more blogs, quick tips and Podcasts on all things Podcasting here.

About the Author: Regina Larko launched her first Hong Kong based audio show #impact – A Podcast about stuff that matters, highlighting the work of social enterprises and Non-Profits in 2017. Besides #impact, she also hosts OFF THE RECORD – Podcasting with #impact and A Zero Waste Journey Podcast. Regina mentors new Podcasters to give them the confidence, tools and resources they need to find Podcasting success with her Online Mentorship programme Start your Podcast. Make an Impact.