For an extended audio version of this post, including the mistakes I made when I first started my Podcast production, you can listen here.

How to start a successful Podcast?

This is one of the most common questions I hear from aspiring Podcasters that I work with in my Podcasting Mentorship Programme and I think this is the question that holds most people back to get started with their own Podcast in the first place.

How to start? Where should you even begin? 

Today I will share where you should start if you want your Podcast to be a success. It is actually really simple. 

It takes 3 simple steps. 

You don’t need anything for it, no audio recording equipment or fancy microphone, no investment.

Just a pen and a paper.

You will be surprised how empowering it will feel to write those steps down.

This blog-series is brought to you by Start your Podcast. Make an Impact – my Podcasting online course & mentorship programme that shows you how to get your Podcast off the ground and make an impact with your show from day 1. You can take a peek inside the programme here.

3 simple steps to start a successful Podcast

STEP 1 | Take yourself and your ambitions to start your Podcast SERIOUSLY. 

You have to make a committment if you want your Podcast to be impactful.

At this point, it does not matter how often you release episodes or which microphone you would use. 

It doesn’t matter if you record an interview style show or a solo show and what topic you would choose. It also does not matter if you could come up with the best, most creative Podcast title and logo.  

It all starts with you making the commitment to start and to follow through all the way to launch day and beyond, so I encourage you to write that down.

On a piece of paper.

Lets just do this old school. Simple and effective. 

Here’s what I encourage you to write down: 

“Starting today I will take my ambitions to start my Podcast seriously, because I have been dreaming about it for a long time and there are many intriguing topics that I want to address that my future listeners need to hear about on my amazing show.” 

Now put that note somewhere you can look at it regularly: on the mirror in your bathroom, on the fridge, put a post it on your computer. So you have that reminder there. 

STEP 2 |  Start imagining your perfect listener.

Who are you creating this show for? Who are the listeners that would love your content. 

Start picturing them, what are their hopes and dreams, their challenges, their interests? This part really excites my Podcasting students as I guide them through dreaming up their most loyal listener. Often we discover that we have a lot in common with our perfect listener.

STEP 3 | Get very clear on the vision of your show, your own goals and your WHY.

That is the absolut best way to set yourself up for success with your Podcast. 

Success looks different for everyone. You should do it your way, and you should ENJOY it! Because listeners will feel that, they really do.

Ask yourself why starting this Podcast is important to you. What shall your Podcast help you with? What do you want listeners to say about your show in 5 years time?

If you want more ideas how to implement the 3 steps I addressed here then I recommend to take a look at my Start a Podcast with impact – Guide.

Start a Podcast. Make an impact.
Get it here.

This guide also includes a step-by-step overview on how to prepare and set up for your first Podcast recording. If you have any questions or want more hands-on support and mentorship for your Podcast, just reach out to me at

I’d love to help you out! 

About the Author:

Regina Larko launched her first Hong Kong based audio show #impact – A Podcast about stuff that matters, highlighting the work of social enterprises and Non-Profits in 2017. Besides #impact, she also hosts OFF THE RECORD – Podcasting with #impact and A Zero Waste Journey Podcast.

Regina mentors new Podcasters to give them the confidence, tools and resources they need to find Podcasting success with her Online Mentorship programme Start your Podcast. Make an impact.