There’s a reason why people often refer to their Podcast or their business as their baby. Personally, I am not so sure anymore that this comparison stands for me, but what I am certain of is that being a mom has taught me a lot about being a Podcaster and a business owner.

Being a proud (and sleep-deprived) mom of 3 young children, two girls aged 6 and 3, and a boy aged 1, has taught me a lot about myself and my relationship with my business.

1.) It’s painful at times. Especially in the beginning.

 My oldest daughter is 6 now, but I remember the desperation, pain, and shock I felt that first morning I woke up as a new mom as if it was yesterday.

That morning I thought I would never sleep again. I was in pain and could not sit up on my own after the c-section. I was clueless about what to do to make this little human drink from my breast. The wound healed, but just like with my Podcast business, there is never any point where I feel like I completely got this. As soon as I figure out how to handle a 5 year old, she surprises me with yet another milestone.

The same is true for my Podcast business. It was painful to put myself and my idea out there initially. Painful in the sense that I was nervous and insecure about it. Am I doing this right? What am I doing really? Questions that kept racing through my head as I launched #impact Podcast in 2017 and as I registered my Podcast business one year later. The same questions I had on that very first day becoming a mom, and ever since.

LEARNING: The initial pain will fade but getting comfortable with being uncomfortable is necessary.

2.) Mindset is everything.

If I think that I will have a hard time weaning/sleep training/ homeschooling (replace with anything on your plate right now) my kid, it will of course get difficult. The same goes for my Podcast. Things get much easier when I dont even let the most daunting tasks scare me.

LEARNING: Be careful what you think. It will set you up for success (or failure). 

#impact host Regina Larko & her 3 kids | Home office/school reality December 2020

3.) It takes a village.

There is my husband, there are aunties, caretakers, educators in school, my mom-friends that I can always send a desperate voice message to in the middle of the night. There’s the family spread out in Europe who are celebrating milestones with us through the screen.

It’s the same for my Podcast business: I check in with my mentors and coaches. I surrounded myself with people supporting me with strategic advice, podcast production, and sometimes just an encouraging whats app message. No one should ever have to do this alone.

LEARNING: You don’t have to do this alone, but you have to be ok with asking for help.

4.) Letting go.

I get emotional seeing how quickly my kids grow up. I want to support my children in the best way possible and I only recently realised why I get so emotional around their birthdays. It’s when another year passes that I confront myself with the reality that they don’t need me as much anymore. Each milestone, so exciting and in the blink of an eye, just a distant memory.

Welcoming a new baby in the family during a global pandemic was especially hard. Our dreams for our families in Europe meeting our son have not come true yet and knowing that he will be walking or even running by the time he finally gets to meet his grandparents for the first time hurts a lot. But being upset about things that can’t be changed takes so much energy. I am trying my best to be mindful of being content and grateful for the little things, live in the moment, and look ahead.

As much as I want to hold on to certain dreams as a parent, I have to let go. It’s the same for my Podcast business. There were certain dreams and hopes, projects I had planned, that I had to let go of. There are ideas that I can’t realise just yet and yes, that frustrates me. But then I take a deep breath and remind myself that this is a marathon and not a race.

LEARNING: It’s ok to get emotional about letting go of what was or what could have been, but this should not distract from all the beautiful, tiny, daily milestones and the excitement for what is yet to come.

5.) Getting back up. Even if it’s hard.

Observing my children as they learn is incredibly rewarding. My 5-year-old is just starting to learn how to read and write. She’d often get upset about not getting it right, sometimes she would even angrily throw her pen on the floor.

But after the initial frustration, she would pick herself up and try again. Certain days it takes more encouragement from us grown-ups but recently I noticed her getting herself back up, especially when she thinks no one is watching over her.

Looking at my podcast business, I face challenges every single day. I do get frustrated at times, just like my 5-year-old daughter. I also want things to work, fix everything in an instance, figure things out. But good things take time. And instead of chasing to get to the finish line (because there is no finish line really, the learning will continue) I just enjoy the process of doing and creating. One day, one Podcast episode at a time.

LEARNING: Patience and consistency are key. 

If you are dreaming about launching your own Podcast, then I hope that the following quick tips will help you get started today.



  • Ask yourself WHY starting a Podcast is important to you. Write it down. Your goals and vision may be adjusted along the way, but it all starts with you being very clear on how you envision your Podcast helping you develop in your professional and personal life.
  • Imagine your perfect listener. Who is that person you would want to create this show for? Dream up that person, give her/him a name. What are his/her hopes and dreams? What is she/he struggling with? How will your Podcast support them?
  • Start recording! Just take your phone out and hit record! Or start sending voice messages to your loved ones instead of text messages. And then listen back to these first test recordings. Get used to your voice. Embrace all its imperfections.

For more hands-on support to turn your Podcast dream into reality, click here to book your free 1:1 Podcast Strategy Call with Regina!

About the Author: Regina Larko launched her first Hong Kong based audio show #impact – A Podcast about stuff that matters, highlighting the work of social enterprises and Non-Profits in 2017. Besides #impact, she also hosts OFF THE RECORD – Podcasting with #impact and A Zero Waste Journey Podcast. Regina mentors new Podcasters to give them the confidence, tools and resources they need to find Podcasting success.

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